Sob o peso frágil
Da pálida abóbada


20 fev - 29 ago 2021

Sob o peso frágil

Da pálida abóbada


ARTISTS | Carolina Rocha, Daniel Oliveira, Graça Costa Cabral, Miguel Leal, Noémia Cruz, Rui Chafes

The cellar of Arquipélago Contemporary Arts Centre is a singular space among museums in Portugal: its scenic potential is huge and its labyrinthine power an idiosyncrasy that we think creates points of contact with our collection.

The works of this arts centre have regularly been presented in the main exhibition space and have circulated among several islands of the archipelago, namely Santa Maria, Graciosa, São Jorge and Faial, in a continuous effort to raise awareness of the collection and new incorporations.

Under the fragile weight Of the pale dome looks at and maps the presence of sculpture in this collection. Thinking about an exhibition also means thinking about the space which will host it and, as we said at the beginning of this short text, the basement of Arquipélago is special. It is very different to the idea of the white cube (the space normally created to display art) and, consequently, the selected pieces, by national artists  – Carolina Rocha, Daniel Oliveira, Graça Costa Cabral, Miguel Leal, Noémia Cruz and Rui Chafes – and from various geographies, are themselves invitations to travel through artistic subjectivity. Rather than create a thematic exhibition about the collection, we are interested in fully opening up these readings. Rather than construct a narrative, we are interested in the visitor creating their own story.

During the construction of this xhibition, we were inspired by a poem by Vinícius de Moraes. It gave us the title of the exhibition and we think it contains very strong images that will make a good accompaniment to your visit.


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