Osvaldo Janeiro
Feb 14th 2020 - Mar 15th 2020EXHIBITION
Osvaldo Janeiro
Feb 14th 2020 – Mar 15th 2020
1st Floor of the Shop
“Light Records are Poetry”
Photography and Poetry Exhibition
from Osvaldo Janeiro and Sandra Fernandes
“Light Records are Poetry” is an encounter with art: Photography and Poetry. The exhibition gathers the visions of the artists, Osvaldo Janeiro and Sandra Fernandes, in different “looks”, but in common senses.
Through the lens of the photographer Osvaldo Janeiro the places in the parish of Conceição in Ribeira Grande are captured and taken to public in its most natural way, allowing memories and experiences to be rescued, taking places and wisdom beyond.
What we see triggers emotions and feelings inside us, and in this sense the Poetry of Sandra Fernandes gives us a “voice” to the captured images. On a symbiosis between Photography and Poetry, in which the images speak and are Poetry, and the Poetry is the mirror that portraits emotions and sensations, Osvaldo Janeiro and Sandra Fernandes, even though they dedicate their inspiration to different arts, with this partnership, they demonstrate that art is more fulfilling the more clustering it is.
Biographic Notes
Osvaldo do Rego Janeiro
Was born in October 19th, 1966, natural from the parish of Ribeira Seca in Ribeira Grande. Since 1992 he is a resident of the parish of Conceição from the same city, which he travels around, practicing one of his passions: Photography, passion that emerges with the Digital Photography era.
Being a salesman by profession, and beyond his commitments as a husband and a father, Photography takes a special place in his life. His motto and support of life, has been this one: “Photography for passion”. Osvaldo, loves to photograph animals and nature, for bringing him constant surprise and for transmitting feelings pf pleasure and well-being, turning the moments he photographs into true therapeutic and personal fulfilment moments.
Osvaldo Janeiro is a partner of “AFAA – Associação de Fotógrafos Amadores dos Açores” since 2008. In September of 2013 he held, in Matriz, Ribeira Grande, the Photography Exhibition “Recantos & Encantos”.
On his official web page – – Osvaldo Janeiro shares hundreds of photos with the web surfers, from the most varied themes, providing Photography lovers the outcome of his passion, taking the art of photography beyond-borders.
Sandra de Fátima Fernandes da Silva
Was born in May 9th, 1979 at the city of Angra do Heroísmo, in Terceira island. She lives in the island of Sao Miguel since 2002, where she got her degree in Psychology, in the University of the Azores. Wife and mother, she makes her days a human ‘gymkhana’, in which she reconciles family life, work and writing.
In August 21st, 2010 she created the Blog “Poesias de Terra e de Mar” and in this way she opened a window to the world, through which she shares her passion for writing and above all Poetry. Sandra Fernandes is also the author of the book “Pieces of a Woman” (poetry), launched in March 8th, 2012. In August 2nd, 2014 she launched the poetry and prose-poetry book “My port, my shelter”, in February 14th, 2015 launched “Roses versus Thorns” and in March 20th, 2015, starring for children with the book “Poetry in the Garden”, the latter being recommended by the Regional Reading Plan (Azores). It is possible to find her poetry on the Page Mulher Poema (facebook), poetry that the author defines as being the music of the heart and which it accompanies her day by day. Sandra Fernandes sees life in a positive, romantic and passionate way, and it is in life, love, nature and experiences that she finds inspiration to write.
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